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Use FizziQ QR codes

Why use QR codes?

FizziQ uses QR code technology as a means of exchanging experiment protocols. The QR code system was invented in 1994 by Masahiro Hara of the Japanese company Denso Wave. Use des QR codes is royalty free. The QR code has several advantages that guided this choice for FizziQ. The first is that the technology allows the exchange of small text files (less than 4 KB) without using the Internet. In many countries, and often also in schools, students do not have access to the internet. Ihe experiment protocols are generally small files. On the other hand, the technology is very widely used, especially for payment in many countries and all smartphones are equipped with cameras. There are many free tools on the internet to generate a QR-code online. 


How to generate the QR-code of a FizziQ protocol?

There are two ways to create a protocol by QR code in FizziQ:

1. From the app. The teacher  can create protocol or edit existing protocol, then it can export ce protocol  in QR code format, or in text format.  

2. From any QR code generator on the Internet, following the FizziQ protocol format rules below.


What is the FizziQ protocol format?

The FizziQ format is defined by specific fields which are separated by the character combination "//". 

The fields are as follows and the information should be placed in the correct order:

1. The sequence begins with the code: "Fizziq"

2. The title in text format

3. The purpose of the protocol in text format

4. The different steps of the protocol classified and separated by the separator "//"


An example ?

For example, consider the following protocol:

The title of the experiment is "Sound", the subtitle "Work on amplitude and frequency", and two steps "Choose a musical instrument for which you want to analyze the sound" then "Which instrument of FizziQ can you use to measure the fundamental frequency of a note in your instrument?".

You can create a QR code by typing, in the text field of the "QR Code" generator available on the internet, the following text:

"Fizziq//The sound//Work on amplitude and frequency//Choose a musical instrument for which you want to analyze the sound//Which FizziQ instrument can you use to measure the fundamental frequency of a note on your instrument?

To find a QR code generator, type "QR Code Generator" in the bar of research from the browser.


What are the limitations of the FizziQ QR code?

Commonly used QR codes can contain up to 4296 alphanumeric characters. However for use in FizziQ, we recommend that the protocol size, including separators, not exceed 2000 characters. 


How to facilitate the reading of a QR code?

In general, QR codes contain an internet link or a link to a file that is downloaded from the internet.

We use QR codes differentlynte: FizziQ QR codes contain all the protocol information, structured with a very simple metalanguage. The advantage of using QR codes in this way is that you don't need the internet, the disadvantage is that the longer protocols have more complex graphic structures and sometimes a little more difficult to read, especially on a computer screen.


Our experience is that on computer screens, you sometimes have to reduce or enlarge the image and increase the contrast to make it readable, but depending on the screen and the cameras, this reading can be difficult for complex protocols. On paper, on a smartphone screen or in projected form, there are generally no difficulties in reading even complex QR codes   because they are well contrasted. It is in these latter forms that we recommend sharing activities with students.


Do other applications use this format?

The FizziQ protocol format is not proprietary. We hope to see a database of  emerge.protocols  of experiences that can be used for multiple applications.

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